Fire department holds Halloween open house



  • A Fire Safety Trailer was part of the Gray Fire Department Open House held Halloween to emphasize the importance of fire safety along with sweet treats. CONTRIBUTED
    A Fire Safety Trailer was part of the Gray Fire Department Open House held Halloween to emphasize the importance of fire safety along with sweet treats. CONTRIBUTED
  • Fire department holds Halloween open house
    Fire department holds Halloween open house
  • GFD’s open house featured fun and games for trick or treaters as well as important life saving information. CONTRIBUTED
    GFD’s open house featured fun and games for trick or treaters as well as important life saving information. CONTRIBUTED
The Gray Fire Department held its sixth annual Halloween Fire Safety Open House Oct. 31 for the community. About 900 residents showed up for a variety of activities related to fire prevention. Firefighters gave out information about fire prevention, including cooking safety. Children attending had the opportunity to tour the fire station and apparatus, play numerous games, learn hands only CPR,…

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